I am a theoretical physicist by training, with specialization in computational statistical physics. Since 1996, I have been working at the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research (MPIP), Mainz, in the Theory Group as a senior staff scientist (or group leader). I have done work on phase transitions and critical phenomena, but in the last few decades I focused more on soft matter systems, and here in particular on those where hydrodynamic phenomena play a role. I am familiar with various mesoscopic simulation methods (somewhere between Molecular Dynamics (MD) and continuum hydrodynamics), such as Dissipative Particle Dynamics and in particular Lattice Boltzmann, where I made a few original contributions concerning the coupling to MD and the correct simulation of thermal noise. For further details, see my publication list.

I obtained my PhD in 1991 with Kurt Binder at Mainz University, where I also obtained my Habilitation in 2000, and the status of an Adjunct Professor in 2008. I spent my postdoc time (1991-1993) at the Center for Simulational Physics (Athens, Georgia, USA) with David Landau and worked as an assistant in the Mainz group of Kurt Binder, until I joined the newly founded Theory Group at MPIP. I worked as an Interim Professor at the Universities of Saarbruecken (2005) and Darmstadt (2014-2015). From 2004-2013 I gained some experience in journal-making, by working as an Associate Editor for Physical Review E. I have a longstanding collaboration with the group of J. Ravi Prakash at Monash University Melbourne, where I am currently an Adjunct Professor. I am the director of the CECAM node SMSM (statistical mechanics and soft matter) and coordinate its activities. Furthermore, I am presently the elected ombudsperson of the MPIP.

Some resources which provide more information about me:



My publication list

My profile at Google scholar

My Clarivate Researcher ID